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ACL Rehabilitation stories

Bijgewerkt op: 21 jul. 2021

- How it happened -

The football game that changed my life

The 29th of January of the eventful year 2020 will forever be known as one of the worst days of the Dutch amateur football league. On this day, the Ronaldo of the low lands ruptured his ACL after a brilliant defensive interference. As seen in the video, after giving a ball that would penetrate the whole opponent’s defence, the player stayed on the ground in their title-winning game. Eventually, this talent stood up and continued playing football because this is not how he ruptured his ACL. It was just a demonstration of the level of skill of this player. The famous Italian footballer player Gatusso described the football skills of this player in six simple words: “Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. “This is showcased in the video, which seems to capture the essence of myself as a football player. A beautiful interference with the help of my physique and game reading skills, after that a ball that even Usain Bolt cannot get with his speed.

So how did I, the Cristiano Ronaldo of the low lands, rupture my ACL?

How to rupture your ACL

January 29 2020, 11:30, The Hague, The Netherlands

It was an early football game but a very important game. If my team, Wilhelmus, won against HVV, we would be champions of the competition. So there was a lot of pressure, and the supporting attendance was at an all-time high.

The whooping 15 supporters existed out of:

Five parents who seemed to have promised their 23-year-old sons they would watch their football game.

Four girlfriends who probably did something wrong before, so they needed to make it up to their boyfriends.

Three already injured players who were happy that they didn’t have to play with their hangover from the night before

And last but not least, two seagulls who were hunting for worms at the sideline where the worst two players of both teams played. The footwork of these two seagulls where probably the most impressive on the whole football field.

The first half was boring, and not a lot happened until at the last minute of the first half where the centre back of Wilhelmus(ME) decided to make a run from his backline to the opponents’ goal. After a brilliant run of the centre back, he passed the ball to the striker and scored. 1-0 for Wilhelmus.

The feeling of scoring just before halftime is one of the best feelings. The feeling is in line with receiving a 5,5 for a very important grade without learning, getting an unpaid upgrade for your flight tickets and reading the word negative on your covid-19 test.

At the start of the second half, the almost always reliable centre back of Wilhelmus lost possession, and HVV started with a deadly attack. While making the turn to defend, the defender’s right foot got stuck in the muddy grass field. However, the rest of his body turned. After hearing a sound similar to a Moet champagne bottle popping open, I immediately knew that this was not good. After walking on my own to the dressing room, I heard from my trainer that I would probably be out for 4 to 5 months. I was very sad with this news, but now 4 to 5 months doesn’t sound that bad in hindsight.

This day would be the first day of a 17-month long rehabilitation process. The purpose of these blogs is to capture my rehabilitation journey and, hopefully, the blogs help inform, inspire, and guide others in their rehabilitation journey.

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Jul 19, 2021

Dear "Ronaldo of the low lands"

My name is Jim and I also ruptured my ACL this year. I am curious to read more about your journey.

My surgery is planned in a week, I am a bit tense about the whole situation. How did your surgery go? But more importantly how was the first few days after the surgery?

Casper Bibo
Casper Bibo
Jul 19, 2021
Replying to

Dear Jim,

First of all good luck with your rehabilitation process, I know you can do this!

I recommend you to read the blog about my surgery experience, found via this link:

We can always chat with each other via the let's chat box so I can answer your questions.

Because as you may know:

With kind regards,

Casper "The Ronaldo of the Lowlands"

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